string(11) "ECCLT-19440" string(9) "issue_key" HTTP Status Code: 405 Response: Error: Could not fetch categories. European Consumer Centre Lithuania - ECC
European Consumer Centre Lithuania

European Consumer Centre Lithuania

The European Consumer Centre in Lithuania has been established by the agreement of the European Commission and the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority and has been operating since 2005.

The mission of the European Consumer Centre is to help consumers – residents of Lithuania, when they have bought faulty goods or services in the EU member state (or Norway and Iceland), and residents of the EU (or Norway and Iceland), when they have bought faulty goods or services in Lithuania, to resolve their problems.

All the services provided by the European Consumer Centre are free.

European Consumer Centres operate in 27 EU Member states, as well in Norway, Iceland and the UK. They have formed a cooperation network (ECC-Net) to advise citizens on their rights as consumers and to provide easy access to redress, particularly in cross-border cases.

European Consumer Centre:

  • will inform you on your rights as a consumer and of possible ways of dealing with your dispute/ complaint within EU;
  • will provide you with free advice in your situation;
  • will introduce you with the key consumer related provisions laid down in the European and national legislation;
  • will provide assistance in resolving a dispute/ complaint in amicable way in collaboration with other ECC’s operating across Europe;
  • will provide you with assistance in seeking redress for the losses incurred;
  • will refer you to an appropriate institution when ECC is not able to resolve the dispute/ complaint.

More information on the European Consumer Centre

Your data protection in State Consumer Rights Protection Authority:

  • Rules on the exercise of data subjects’ rights PDF
  • Rules on a personal data breach PDF