
September 2018 – money refund for the cancelled event

A consumer from Lithuania purchased 11 tickets through the ticket seller to the event organized by event organizer registered in Latvia. The event was cancelled and the consumer turned to the ticket seller and event organizer for money refund. The consumer received no answer to his request and money was not refunded for more than 3 months. After the consumer could not solve the problem with the event organizer himself, he turned to European Consumer Centre in Lithuania and the complaint was shared with the European Consumer Centre in Latvia. Thanks to the cooperation of both centres, the consumer received a refund for the tickets to the cancelled event.


July 2018 – hotel booking

A consumer from Lithuania booked a hotel room in Malta for 11 nights, however due to health issues he could not check in on the scheduled date, but did some days later. Consumer informed the hotel about this in advance and it was agreed that payment should be due from the actual check in date. However, the trader charged the consumer for the whole 11 nights arguing that there was no free cancellation policy on that specific booking. The consumer argued that the hotel never informed him, neither made available the cancellation policy. For this reason he asked to either be refunded the extra money paid or to be given the possibility to use the sum for future services at the same hotel. After the consumer could not solve the problem with the hotel, he turned to European Consumer Centre in Lithuania and the complaint was shared with the European Consumer Centre in Malta. Thanks to the cooperation of both centres, the consumer was refunded the sum of €380 for the unused nights at the accommodation.


May 2018 – unsuccessful return of the ordered goods

A consumer from Lithuania purchased kids clothing online from a seller based in Italy. The consumer received the ordered items and some of them did not fit. The consumer turned to the seller and wanted to use the right of withdrawal. She received automatic answer and the seller received her request and courier will be sent to pick up the items. After a week when no courier showed up, the consumer turned again to the seller, but this time she received no answer. After couple unsuccessful tries, she turned to European Consumer Centre in Lithuania and the complaint was shared with the European Consumer Centre in Italy. Thanks to the cooperation of both centres, the seller sent the courier to take the items from the consumer and refunded the money.


March 2018 – poor quality English language courses

A consumer from Lithuania saw an advertisement about English language courses for 79 EUR. It was advertised that if consumers are not satisfied with the courses they can ask for money refund. The consumer decided to try the courses that were provided by the service provider based in Poland. The consumer received login code and after the first try was not satisfied with the services as the system was not working properly. The consumer turned to the service provider asking for money refund, but got an answer that money will not be refunded. As the consumer could not reach agreement with the service provider herself, she turned to European Consumer Centre in Lithuania and the complaint was shared with the European Consumer Centre in Poland. Thanks to the cooperation of both centres, the service provider refunded money for the poor quality language courses services.


January 2018 – no money refund for the returned faulty shoes

A consumer from Lithuania ordered shoes online from a seller registered in Latvia. When the consumer received the shoes, she noticed that they are faulty. She filled return form and send back to the seller together with the faulty shoes. The seller received the shoes and had to refund the money in 14 days. The consumer did not receive money refund and couple times turned to the seller, but received only apologies and promises to refund the money. After more than two months the money was still not refunded and the consumer turned to the European Consumer Centre in Lithuania and asked for help. European Consumer Centre in Lithuania shared the complaint with the European Consumer Centre in Latvia, which contacted the seller. Thanks to the cooperation of the Centres consumer received money refund for the faulty shoes.


December 2017 – Double payment for winter tyres

A consumer from Lithuania booked a car by internet from a car rental company registered in Italy. Winter tires were included in the price, but after the rental period the consumer noticed that additional charge from his credit card for the winter tires was withdrawn by the car rental company. The consumer contacted the car rental company asking to refund the money for the winter tires as he already paid for them in advance while booking a car. As the consumer could not reach agreement with the car rental company for the refund, so he turned to European Consumer Centre in Lithuania and the complaint was shared with the European Consumer Centre in Italy. Thanks to the cooperation of both centres, the car rental company admitted their mistake and refunded the consumer additionaly charged amount for the winter tires.


November 2017 – the right of withdrawal

A consumer from Latvia ordered a shaving machine online from a trader registered in Lithuania. When the consumer received the ordered shaving machine, he wanted to use the right of withdrawal – in 14 days to return the item and receive back the money. There was a problem, because there was no information on trader’s website how to return the item. The consumer sent several emails to the trader where he asked for information how to return the item and to which address. The consumer received no answer from the trader. The consumer turned to the European Consumer Centre in Latvia and the complaint was shared with the European Consumer Centre in Lithuania. Thanks to the cooperation of both Centres, the consumer could use the right of withdrawal – he returned the item and received back the money.


October 2017 – Compensation for the damaged parcel

A consumer from Lithuania ordered parcel shipping service from a company registered in Netherlands. Parcel had be to delivered from Portugal to Lithuania, but did not reach its destination and was returned damaged to the sender‘s address in Portugal. Things in the parcel were damaged and sloppy. The consumer contacted the service provider, but the problem was not solved in six months. Then the consumer turned to European Consumer Centre in Lithuania and asked for help to get 500 EUR compensation for the damaged parcel from the service provider. European Consumer Centre in Lithuania shared the complaint with the European Consumer Centre in Netherlands and they contacted the service provider. The service provider asked the consumer to provide the purchasing documents of the damaged items. Unfortunately, the consumer did not save them, but the service provider agreed to compensate the damage by estimating the weight of the parcel. Service provider agreed to pay 250 EUR compensation. Thanks to the cooperation of the Centres consumer received the compensation.


September 2017 – illegaly charged administration fee

A consumer from Lithuania concluded a car rental agreement with a service provider in Italy. The rented car was returned in time and the representative of the service provider signed that the car was returned without damages. After more than half a year the consumer checked her bank account and noticed that the car rental company charged her 42,70 EUR. The consumer did not receive any notifications about this charge. The consumer turned to the service provider in Italy, who explained that it is administration fee for the transmission of data to the police for committing road traffic offense. The car rental company sent the consumer only an invoice with a place and time when the road traffic offense was recorded. The consumer asked the car rental company to provide evidence that police required information as the consumer had doubts that she was at that time in that place where the offense was recorded. The service provider did not provide her any documents. The consumer turned to European Consumer Centre in Lithuania in order to recover illegally charged administration fee. The complaint was shared with the European Consumer Centre in Italy, which contacted the car rental company. The company could not provide any proof about gained request from the police and agreed to refund the consumer administration fee. Thanks to the cooperation of both centres, the car rental company refunded the administration fee to the consumer.