By bbm-admin on Thursday, 23 December 2021
Category: Auto Accidents

The 4 Most Common Motorcycle Accidents

Driving a motorcycle is fun but can also be extremely dangerous. Even if you're a safe cyclist and have the best safety gear, you're still at risk every time you're on the road. Although you can take steps to prevent a motorcycle accident, it's important to watch out for other vehicles and understand the most common types of accidents that can occur.

1. Car Lane Change

Motorcycles are significantly smaller than cars and trucks and can easily slip into their blind spots. Oftentimes, accidents happen because another vehicle veers over into your lane unexpectedly. Be sure to check for signs that the vehicle next to you is going to change lanes – turn signal, head movement, turning wheels, etc.

2. Alcohol-Related Crash

Nearly half of all motorcycle accidents involve alcohol. Most of these crashes result in death, as there is less protection to the passenger than in an enclosed vehicle. Prevention of this accident is simple; don't drink and ride.

3. Hit From Behind

Fender benders are one of the most common car accidents; however, these can be especially dangerous for motorcyclists. Sometimes other vehicles underestimate the space needed between their vehicle and your motorcycle. Avoid this by watching your mirrors, flashing your brake lights, and being prepared to move out of the way if you see someone coming behind you at a high speed.

4. Left Turn at an Intersection

Many motorcycle accidents occur at intersections where other vehicles either fail to see a cyclist or they misjudge their speed and turn left in front of them. Keep an eye out for other vehicles that could turn in front of you and hover your foot on the brake as a precaution.

The majority of motorcycle accidents don't occur out of reckless behavior. Usually, cyclists are following the rules of the road. Most often, severe and fatal motorcycle injuries involve a collision with another vehicle or vehicles. Have you or someone you know recently suffered from a serious motorcycle injury due to an accident? McCarron Law Firm is here to help you understand your rights and work with you and for you to obtain the highest possible compensation. Call us today to schedule your consultation.

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