By bbm-admin on Tuesday, 04 September 2018
Category: Auto Accidents

Sharing the Road: Safe Driving With Semis

Nearly 80% of all U.S. cargo is transported by trucks. No wonder you see them everywhere! Driving alongside semi-trucks is a daily reality that requires a great deal of caution for both car and truck drivers. Here are a few tips to stay safe while sharing the road with 18-wheelers:

1. Give Them Space.

Larger vehicles call for more space, especially since they need more time and distance to stop. Pass semis quickly and carefully, making sure that you can see the entire truck in your rearview before moving over into the right lane. Tire blowouts and weather conditions such as high winds, rain, and ice also require drivers to give trucks an extra amount of space.

2. Know the No-Zones.

Due to their massive size, trucks have several blind spots where small cars can easily disappear. Beware of driving directly in the front, rear, and both sides of the trailer, as these areas are the most dangerous. One rule of thumb for safe driving with semis is if you can't see the truck driver's face in their side mirror, they can't see you either.

3. Watch Out For Turns.

Stay as far away as possible when a truck is making a wide turn. When turning, a truck driver often must first swing the opposite direction in order to successfully make the turn. Truck drivers often cannot see nearby vehicles during these turns, so it's critical for other drivers to use the utmost caution and give them the space they need.

4. Turn Off the Brights.

Don't use your bright headlights when driving near a truck at night. Their extra large side mirrors reflect this light more so than a regular car's mirrors. This can temporarily blind the driver and potentially cause an accident.

If you or someone you know has sustained a severe injury in a truck accident, McCarron Law Firm is here to help. In these situations, it's critical to have an accomplished lawyer on your side to obtain the compensation you deserve. Call us 24/7 at 309-820-1010 or schedule an appointment with us online

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