By bbm-admin on Tuesday, 01 May 2018
Category: Auto Accidents

Motorcycle Safety Awareness: 4 Tips to Protect Your Fellow Motorists

Spring is in the air, which means it's prime time for motorcyclists. Sadly, nearly half of all motorcycle fatalities result from crashes involving another vehicle. Since the majority of vehicles on the road are not motorcycles, most drivers are unaware of the safety precautions that should be taken when sharing the road with two-wheelers. Follow these tips to ensure the safety of you and your fellow motorists:

1. Be on the lookout.

A motorcycle's narrow profile can easily get lost in a car or truck's blind spot. Make sure to take the extra time to look for these vehicles when you're changing lanes or turning.

2. Allow for more following distance, especially at intersections.

Don't tailgate a motorcycle, as your car or truck cannot stop as quickly as they can. Also keep in mind that motorcyclists often slow down by downshifting, which does not activate the brake light. Keep careful watch of their speed, as they may slow down without a visual signal.

3. Predict that a motorcycle is closer than it looks.

Motorcycles are smaller than cars, which makes them look farther away than they are. It also may be difficult to assess their speed. Before turning at an intersection, backing out of a driveway, etc., assume they are closer than they appear.

4. Give them space.

You may have spotted a rider swerving in and out of lanes and labeled them reckless. While there are certainly dangerous drivers out there, many riders do this to avoid obstacles such as potholes, oil spots, roadkill, and other types of road debris, and their actions are wise. Leave them space to change their lane positioning according to the circumstances of the road.

If you or someone you know has been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, McCarron Law Firm is here to help. We're ready for you 24/7, providing legal service that will help you receive the maximum compensation possible. Call us today at 309-820-1010 or schedule an appointment online

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