By bbm-admin on Thursday, 23 December 2021
Category: Personal Injury

Common Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Accidents that result in spinal cord injuries can drastically change your life, causing symptoms like chronic pain, difficulty breathing, paralysis, loss of fertility, headaches, changes in personality, etc. Vehicular accidents and workplace accidents are common situations where spinal cord injuries and other traumatic physical damage can occur.

In the medical world, spinal cord injuries are split into two categories: incomplete or complete.

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries
With incomplete spinal cord injuries, the spinal cord is only partially severed, and the victim has sensory and motor function to some degree. These injuries account for over 60% of all spinal injuries. Some of the most common types include:

Anterior cord syndrome – an injury to the front of the spinal cord that interferes with patient sensations of pain, touch, and temperature. Patients with this syndrome often have a high potential for recovery.

Central cord syndrome – an injury to the center of the spinal cord that includes a loss of sensation where recovery of arm movement is rare, but recovery of leg movement is probable.

Brown-Sequard syndrome – an injury to one side of the spinal cord that allows movement and sensation on only one side of the body.

Complete Spinal Cord Injuries
Complete spinal cord injuries involve a complete separation of the spinal cord where the victim has no sensory or motor function.

Tetraplegia (also known as quadriplegia) – an injury involving damage to the cervical spinal cord that produces paralysis of all limbs, respiratory difficulties, and damaged bladder and bowel function.

Paraplegia – an injury that results from damage to the thoracic spinal cord and involves a complete loss of sensation and movement in the lower half of the body.

Triplegia – an injury that is usually due to an incomplete spinal cord injury that involves the paralysis of three limbs

Have you or someone you know suffered from a spinal cord injury due to a vehicular or workplace accident? Having a dedicated attorney working on your behalf can ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. McCarron Law Firm is available to you 24/7 to bring justice to your situation. Call to schedule a free consultation today! 309-820-1010

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