By bbm-admin on Thursday, 01 October 2020
Category: Auto Accidents

5 Injuries to Look Out for After a Car Accident

The National Safety Council reported that, in 2019, there were approximately 38,800 people killed in over 6 million accidents within the U.S. This is an average of 16,431 accidents per day. It is estimated that 4.4 million of these accident victims visited a doctor.

Many car accident injuries are severe enough to go to the hospital or see a physician. Unfortunately, many drivers and passengers feel fine after the accident. The body starts to build adrenaline, which can mask pain. Many people who are injured can go hours, days, and sometimes weeks before the symptoms become apparent. Below are common injuries that may present themselves after an accident and should be discussed with your family physician:

1. Whiplash
This is a common injury caused by the neck moving in a rapid back and forth movement. Many times, it occurs when a car is rear-ended. Watch out for pain, neck stiffness, and headaches after an accident.

2. Back Pain
If you start to experience back pain or numbness after a car accident, please be aware that this could be a sign of a significant injury. The pain could be caused by spinal injury, a herniated disk, soft tissue injury, whiplash, or a pinched nerve.

3. Knee Injury
Often during an accident, a person can hit their knee on the dashboard, which can cause many types of injuries. Sometimes the knee is compressed when the driver pushes very hard on the brake before the crash. Common injuries include a broken kneecap or torn meniscus.

4. Headaches
These are very common in post-car accident symptoms. They can range from mild headaches to concussions, vision problems, and even traumatic brain injuries. Also, dealing with the aftermath of an accident can significantly increase tension and be responsible for headaches.

5. Psychological Injuries
Some people who have been in a traumatic event can feel the emotional impact for days or weeks after their accident. This can lead to the development of anxiety, depression, or fear of driving.

The above injuries are only some of the injuries that can occur post-accident. Mood or behavior changes, numbness, sleep changes, abdominal pain, bruising or discoloration, dizziness, changes in hearing or tinnitus, and memory loss can also occur. If you experience any of these injuries or symptoms, please consult with your family physician. It is important for your wellbeing and essential to get any injury on the record for your future insurance claims. This can avoid potential problems over what caused the issues associated with the injury.

Do not put off seeing your family physician if you have pain. Accident victims benefit from having a dedicated car accident attorney working on their behalf who can ensure that they get the compensation they deserve. McCarron Law Firm is available to you 24/7 to ensure your claims are treated fairly. Call to schedule a free consultation today at 309-820-1010.

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